Foreman Tazz'ril

Lazy Peons:
Cursed peons! They work hard gathering lumber from the trees of the valley, but they’re always taking naps! I need someone to help me keep the peons in line.
You look like the right orc for my task. Here, you take this blackjack and use it on any lazy peons you find sleeping on the job. A good smack will get them right back to work!. Return the blackjack when you’re done.
Look for them underneath the trees in the valley. Lousy slacking peons...

Lazy Peons (Completion):
No good lazy…
Eh? Do you have my blackjack? Did you catch any peons sleeping on the job?!
Good, good. Maybe they’ll think twice before slacking next time! Thanks for the help!

Thazz’ril’s Pick:

Liandrya, you are a dependable orc. Can I count on you for another task?

Some time ago I was surveying the cave to the north for minerals, and I left my favorite pick behind. When I later returned to retrieve it I found the cave was filled with vicious beasts! Will you go into the cave, the Burning Blade Coven, and get my pick?
I left it in a chamber with waterfalls. My pick has a spell on it so you can see it in the dark, so you won’t have to worry about finding it...just what’s guarding it.

Thazz’ril’s Pick (completion):

Have you entered the Burning Blade Coven Liandrya? Did you find my pick?

Great, you got it! Thanks a lot, Liandrya. This is my favorite pick! Now if my peons ever finish chopping down these trees, maybe we can find a nice cave to mine!

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